Candidate Requirement Statement
1.) Access - I understand this exam can only be accessed through Synap, the online proctoring platform, that I must use a desk/laptop computer with a working webcam, and that I must use Google Chrome browser.
Please note the online proctoring platform will have its own Terms of Use and policies that you will be required to accept in order to access the platform.
2.) Compatibility - I understand the exam will NOT work on a phone, tablet, or iPad.
3.) Recording – I understand my webcam will be recording me and my surroundings, and the system will also record my screen to verify I am not cheating.
Terms of Use
1.) Test Administration – I understand that NDGAA testing is administered by the American Kennel Club.
2.) Eligibility – I am 18 years of age as required to use this service.
3.) Program Content – I understand I cannot copy or use content from this program without permission.
Contact us at with any questions.